Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm Back Baby!

I am so happy to say that "I'm back Baby!" I have been blah and not feeling like I want to do anything lately, but today I have got it done. My day started with a 1.5 mile walk. Then I picked peaches and pruned the tree a little. I have mowed the yard, sprayed the weeds (we have a huge gravel driveway), washed and folded three or four loads of laundry, washed two sets of sheets and hung them on the line,made my bed back up,  did some sewing on a dress that wasn't fitting just right, paid bills and did some other overdue paper work, burned some trash, cleaned my craft room, and of course cleaned the kitchen , while taking care of my girls. This is great considering I couldn't muster up any energy last week.  It is now 4:00pm and I think I should sit awhile. And guess what? IT IS RAINING AGAIN. We got 1 inch of rain last night. This is a prayer answered Yes. My mother has taught me to be cautious that all prayers are answered, some yes and some no. So Thank the Lord, this could make a huge difference in our soybeans.

I wanna share some photos of what the plowboy and his family have been doing.
Anybody know what this is?
Does this help?
How bout this?

 The farm crew has been cutting silage. Silage is the entire corn crop, (stalk & ears of corn) cut up. It is put in a "pit" and covered with a tarp before it is completely dry so that it can ferment. We use it to supplement our hay for fed in the winter.  Because we did not get enough rain during the spring our cows will not have enough hay and the corn will not produce the normal amount of grain. This is what the action at the "pit" looks like.
 This tractor is constantly moving back and forth over the silage as it is brought it. They call this "packing the  pit."

               They need 2 trucks so that one can be dumping while the other is at the cutter loading.

     After the pit is completely full and packed, they will cover it with a tarp and weigh it down with tires.
They say this is the worst part of the job. The poor guys were so hot and tired. I made a fresh gallon of peach tea and got it to them just in time to throw ( and by throw I mean barely drag) a few tires myself.

And just look at this guy. Now that is what I call HOT!
He was laying right beside us the whole time and I could not resist the photo op.

My next post will show you what I was working on in the air conditioning while the fellas cut silage.
See Y'all next time.

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