Here is my inspiration!
Ain't she pretty? This bag is from the 50's. It still had it's tags on it.
Are you inspired? What would you do with it?
I have been waiting til I knew exactly (ok not exactly, but kinda) how I wanted the bag put together. I couldn't just go randomly hacking into the bag. It's not like fabric that could be easily replaced. However, I never wanna spend alot of time making a pattern and complete prototype. Soooo, I borrowed number 1's(our oldest, my step-daughter, a.k.a bug's) fossil purse a few weeks ago and liked the size and style so after fliping it inside out and studying how it was made I tried to cut the basic bottom shape out of paper and laid it on my bag. These things have to be centered and I wanted to utilize as much print as possible. I nervously pulled out my scissors and got started.
These pieces were attached at the top and since the bag was covered with some type of think coating on the inside, I decided not to make a liner for the purse. I designed some pockets to fit my phone and other needs, attached the top bands and added magnetic closures.Do you like it? I think it it awesome. I always find something negative to pick out on my projects but I'm not gona do that this time. Did I mention how excited I was? Perfect bag for this farmer's wife!
This is an addendum. I am so excite to say that I linked up to alinky party for the first time ever :saynotsweetanne My laptop crashed less than 30 minutes later as I was trying to "grab her blog button" I hope I give her the credit that is due for hosting the party. I am trying to shake the feeling that it was an omen because I really wanted to link this to more places. I am proud of my project and want to learn all I can about the "cyber-world." It would really make me happy to know that people could read about some of my projects and enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed reading others.

Places I've Linked to:
http://www.reasonstoskipthehousework.com/ http://ladybug-blessings.com/ http://www.sugarbeecrafts.com/